Thursday 23 June 2011

Synopsis : 4. Contemplation

When something looks like structure, its being legitimized by this ‘looking like’, and not necessary by the structure itself. So the image and look is always dictated by an icon; the design process produces something called architec- ture that always look like something which was characterised by its genre. In other words, the design is dictated by its function. But the architecture provides only one level of information. In this case, the machinic process is not so much a condition of providing a clarity of information, a yes/no set of answers, or a condition of form versus space, presence versus absence, but a process whereby the idea of spacing will be revealed to lie within the form- ing, where presence lies within absence, and private with public. (Peter Eisenmann)
The design process that I called’ Contemplation’ illus- trates this idea. There is no more private or public, it is all formed into one living organism, called and formed by nature. There is no more differences between form and function, now it is all about adopting to the environment.
The designer is out of the control in design; the creator is out of control on his creation. After the landscape ab- sorbed the architecture, human would no longer be in con- trol of nature. Nature is a creator that provides a shelter to those, who are looking for one. Drawing above shows the scene in the architecture block’s foyer, where materials and underground springs have creates cave-like ledge that can provide a shelter to inhabitants.

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